pendleton grainline archer

Pendleton Wool Archer Button Up

Do you ever buy a killer new pair of boots, or a fancy candle, or even a perfectly baked asiago cheese focaccia—and feel a pang of sadness on first wear, light, or bite? You’re not alone. Shopping-induced dopamine is a real thing! And so is the wistful feeling you get the moment your shiny new purchase isn’t so new anymore.

Anyone who buys fabric knows this feeling all too well, which is why so many of us hoard some of our most beautiful textiles. If we never cut into it, we can hold on to that shopping high forever… right?!

Wrong. If you’re anything like me (as in, you have the occasional neurotic tendencies), your fabric taunts you at every turn.

Remember meeee? Yup, you spent an extra 30 bucks on me because I’m a once-in-a-lifetime find, so you SAID. Now I’m piled on top of your lowly quilting cotton scraps, collecting dust while you try to remember what you even wanted to make with me in the first place. I could have been a skirt or a purse or 50 coasters by now… WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

(My fabric can be a real B sometimes.)

pendleton woolen mill store

This August, I visited Oregon and made a point to stop at the Pendleton Woolen Mill Store in Portland. The store houses bolt after bolt of stunning plaids, jacquards, geometric prints, and every thing in between, but that stuff is not cheap! After some serious deliberation, I settled on a 2-yard cut of a shirt-weight stripe for half off ($40 total). I also bought a thick jacquard remnant for $17—the jury’s still out on its destiny.

After a fleeting moment of indecision—this might make a cute wrap skirt or maybe a jumper—the rational side of my brain prevailed. With just 2 precious yards of fabric at my disposal, the choice was clear: I should make a tried and true Grainline Archer Button Up.

pendleton wool grainline archer

pendleton wool archer

sleeve detail grainline archer button up

pendleton wool grainline archer button up

The best way to overcome Fabric Fear? Just do it already! I highly suggest using a pattern you know and like when sewing up a particularly beloved fabric. There’s no shame in making the same pattern twice… or five times. I’m clearly an Archer fan, as evidenced by my previous four versions:

At this point, I don’t have much new to say about the pattern! I eked out all pieces from 2 yards of 58″ wide fabric, cutting the button band, back yoke, and pocket on the crosswise grain to add some visual interest. I sewed a straight size 8, adding 1.5 inches of length to the sleeve and the body. #sewingtall

Since finishing this shirt last week, I’ve already worn it three times. It’s. so. warm. Perfect for Chicago fall and winter.

grainline archer tamarack

And here’s a bonus sneak peek of my Grainline Tamarack Jacket! I’ll post about this…. eventually. It’s a light jacket that I finished in time for Chicago winter to hit. 😜

Now it’s your turn! Have you been sitting on any prized fabric? Consider this a Fabric Fear Safe Space for discussion and support.

11 thoughts on “Pendleton Wool Archer Button Up

  1. I have some 4 ply silk in my stash that I have been thinking about for almost a year! I spent a king’s ransom on it to be honest but it’s SO beautiful – I just have to figure out a pattern (and I have many!) to use it with and get over this fear of that first cut 🙂 Love your wool Archer – so cozy as fall slips into winter here in Canada 😉


  2. I love this shirt! The fabric the fit and the way you used the stripes, good work!! And the jacket looks great too, I have been eyeing that pattern. 🙂


    • Thank you, Frida! It took me awhile to figure out the stripe placement—I’m glad it turned out! I really like the Tamarack pattern, too. It’s time-consuming if you quilt it yourself and hand-sew the binding down, but I think it’s worth it. 😊

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